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Monday, March 25, 2013

Turmeric, best herb in the pantry

Turmeric is one of nature's most intelligent creations due to the fact that it has more anti-cancer properties than any other herb or spice.  The quintessential ingredient in indian cooking has been shown to break down toxins in the liver and prevent carcinogens from forming.  It is an anti-inflammatory.  It stimulates the immune system and even emulsifies fat, making it a natural supplement to stimulate weight loss.   If that isn't enough research has shown turmeric helps fight at least eight different cancers including leukemia and cancer of the breast, skin, liver, colon, mouth, lung, and kidney,
If you don't already cook with turmeric, you may wish to start.  Adding a turmeric supplement to your natural medicine cabinet is also a good idea.

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