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Monday, December 30, 2013


Wednesday, December 11, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The long-term safety of the popular artificial sweetener Splenda (sucralose) has been called into question by a new review study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) discovered that sucralose essentially releases cancer-causing dioxins in food when baked or otherwise heated, which is one of its primary marketed uses.

Citing an earlier study published by researchers from the Department of Pharmacology at Duke University in North Carolina, the review challenges a number of claims made in support of Splenda's alleged safety, including the claim by its manufacturer, McNeil Nutritionals, that sucralose passes through the body completely undigested. Evidence shows not only that this is false but also that sucralose is hardly the innocuous substance that we have all been led to believe it is.

"The study asserts that in human and rodent studies sucralose was shown to alter levels of glucose, insulin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)," writes Laura Sesana for the Washington Times (WT). "The authors also warn that when sucralose is used for cooking at high temperatures it generates chloropropanols, a class of chemicals that may be linked to a higher risk of cancer."

Sucralose may be unsafe for people with diabetes; chemicals raise blood sugar, insulin

The blood sugar finding is particularly concerning, as Splenda is largely marketed to diabetics who have to watch their sugar intake. Many people who use Splenda or consume products that contain it typically do so because they believe it to be a healthier alternative to sugar, which is clearly not the case.

"Sucralose alters metabolic parameters and its chronic effects on body weight are unknown," reads the study, suggesting that the artificial sweetener may actually have diabetogenic properties, meaning it can actually cause diabetes.

Evidence suggests sucralose is more of a drug than a food additive

Sucralose was also found in the study to alter the expressions of P-glycoprotein and cytochrome P in a manner similar to organochlorine drugs. This would suggest that sucralose is actually more of a drug than it is a food additive, which means it has no business being indiscriminately added to food without a proper drug warning.

Long-term health consequences of sucralose metabolites unknown

The only reason why Splenda even made it on the artificial sweetener scene in the first place is because it was claimed at the time that sucralose passes through the body "unchanged." But this latest study proves based on urine and fecal analysis that sucralose produces toxic metabolites, especially when heated, that have unknown long-term effects on human health.

"One study showed that the stability of sucralose decreased as the temperature and pH increased, with the breakdown process commencing at 119 degrees Celsius and temperatures of 180 degrees Celsius causing its complete degradation at all pH levels with the release of chloride ions," writes Sayer Ji for about the dangers of heated Splenda.

Whatever sucralose is not metabolized by the body ends up passing through into sewers and eventually water treatment plants, where it accumulates and eventually gets released into the environment. This bio-accumulation threatens to not only taint rivers, streams and other water sources, but also contaminate fish and other animals.

"Because the body does not metabolize 85 percent of sucralose ingested, most of it ends up in sewage treatment systems," explains Sesana. "Sucralose is resistant to water treatments for the same reason that it is not easily broken down by the body, resulting in sucralose being released into surface waters."

Be sure to read Sesana's full report here:

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